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About Us

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Surgery Times

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Services Available

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How to get here

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Out of hours service

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Useful Links

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Latest News

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Contact us

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Web Design by Siobhan Maher

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General Practice Contact Details


Dr Ursula Keane GP


Postal Address:

1 Meadowbank hill
Co. Meath



+ 353 - 1 - 825 79 01
+ 353 - 1 - 825 61 47


+ 353 - 86 - 814 00 49

(for emergencies between 8am and 6pm mon - fri only)

For general enquiries about the surgery please email:

info @ mbmc.ie



GP Surgery Times

Mon:- 9am-12pm
           2pm - 5.30pm
Tue:- 9am-12pm
          2pm - 5.30pm
Wed:- 9am-12pm
      2pm - 5.30pm
Thur:- 9am-12pm
           2pm - 5.30pm
Fri:- 9am-12pm
     2pm - 5.30pm